Saturday 21 March 2020


Risultato immagini per greta thunberg

Greta Thumberg is not just a simple teenager.  This 17-year-old girl from Sweden, is fighting to defend the planet from man's disastrous impact on the climate. 
On 20 August 2018, she started to skip school and strike sitting outside Sweden’s parliament building, the Riksdag, in Stockholm.  
Her strength and conviction made it possible that she was immediately followed by other teenagers in her protest. And her followers have been increasing all over the world day by day !

In the meantime, since her first appearance at the Swedish parliament, many things have changed. A movement in the fight against climate change has spread across the world very quickly and has found support from both young people and global political forces. This international movement, known as #FridaysForFuture,  includes over 1.2 million students in over 112 countries. Periodically they organize demonstrations which take thousands of people to the streets, both adults and children, who protest against governments' lack of action in tackling the climate crisis.

 Risultato immagini per greta thunberg

Greta Thumberg's fame and importance have grown over time, but she has also received criticism from the most sceptical politicians who accuse her of not really knowing what she says. Nonetheless criticism has not scratched her and Greta has continued to pursue her goal. The young Swedish activist has managed to get her message across to the leading exponents of world governments. 
Last September all of us  listened to her powerful speech at the United Nations during the Climate Action Summit, where she expressed all her anger and willpower. She told governments that “you are still not mature enough to tell it like it is. You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal.”

Despite her young age she has managed  to make a big impact on people's lives and so far she has had the chance to meet some of the greatest people of our era in order to talk about climate action, such as former President Barack Obama. 

The image of Greta Thunberg has now become very popular all over the world and for this reason aerosol artist Jody Thomas has recently painted her portrait in a gigantic new street art mural in his home city of Bristol, southwest England.

Risultato immagini per jody thomas and greta

Therefore, we must remember that, as Greta says, we don't have much time left and the catastrophic effects of climate change have already bugun to show up. 

Valerio Zaccaria, 4^C Linguistico

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