Monday 26 April 2021


Since I was a child I have always been fascinated by the idea of discovering new places outside my own country. I was curious to know that there was such a vast world outside the door of my house, and I wanted to travel it as soon as possible. Studying English at school aroused  my passion for this language together with  my interest in all the countries where it is spoken, but in particular Great Britain. Lots of my relatives told me about their adventures all over the world, they showed me photos, videos and they brought me gadgets and I remember being really impressed with what they showed me about London. I don’t know why, probably because I saw that city very different from my village, it seemed another world to me and at that time I was just a 10-year-old girl.

So I started to ask my parents to go to visit London, I dreamed of getting on that strange giant wheel known as the London Eye which seemed to me just a wonderful carousel, I couldn’t wait to see the beautiful palace of the Queen and I even wanted to put on her crown, just to feel like a princess!

Years passed, but my desire of visiting the capital of Great Britain  remained essentially unchanged as I grew up. I was also learning the traditions and customs of the country, and then  those attractions, which as a child seemed so strange to me, began to take their real form, and they continued to captivate me very much … until Christmas 2017!

Friday 23 April 2021


Leggere per conoscere e per conoscersi.
Leggere per capire.
Leggere per perdersi completamente.
Leggere per rifugiarsi altrove.
Leggere per vivere tante altre vite.
Leggere per stupirsi.
Leggere per viaggiare.
Leggere per emozionarsi.
Leggere per salvarsi.
Leggere per trovare delle risposte.
Leggere per guardarsi dentro.
Leggere per incontrare nuovi personaggi.
Leggere per innamorarsi.
Leggere per imparare.
Leggere per aprire la mente.
Leggere per riconoscersi.
Leggere per ricordare.
Leggere perché è impossibile farne a meno.

Tuesday 20 April 2021


Speaking a foreign language is always an advantage in our modern society and comes with countless benefits. A very effective and fun way to learn languages are language trips. Read here.