Wednesday, 13 January 2021


Many studies about language learning ask the question: What makes a good language learner? There are some things that good language learners do and some things they don't do. Here are some of the most useful suggestions from studies.

• Don't be afraid of making mistakes. People often get things wrong. Good language learners notice their mistakes and learn from them.

• Do group activities. People use language to communicate with other people. A good language learner always looks for opportunities to talk with other students.

• Make notes during every class. Notes help you to remember new language. Look at your notes when you do your homework.

• Use a dictionary. Good language learners often use dictionaries to check the meaning of words they don't know. They also make their own vocabulary lists.

• Think in the language you're learning outside the classroom. When you're shopping or walking down the street, remember useful words and phrases. Sometimes, when you're at home, say new words to practise your pronunciation.

• Do extra practice. Test and improve your language, reading and listening skills with self-study material. You can find a lot of this online.

• Imagine yourself speaking in the language. Many good language learners can see and hear themselves speaking in the language. This helps their motivation.

• Enjoy the process. Good language learners have fun with the language. Watch a TV series or film, listen to songs, play video games or read a book. It's never too late to become a good language learner.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021


In occasione del 700esimo anno dalla morte del poeta simbolo dell’italianità, per ciascuno dei 365 giorni dell'anno dantesco, dal 1° gennaio al 31 dicembre 2021, nel sito Internet dell'Accademia della Crusca apparirà una diversa parola o espressione di Dante Alighieri arricchita da un breve commento, pensato per raggiungere il pubblico più ampio. Si tratta di locuzioni, motti, latinismi, neologismi creati dall'autore della "Divina Commedia", che in gran parte fanno ancora parte del nostro patrimonio linguistico. Leggi qui.